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Invest in Ukraine Tech Platform

Invest in Ukraine Tech Platform is a unique initiative created by a team of dedicated professionals and residents of Ukraine, with the support of Philanthropy.International and AI Industry Analytics. Our mission is to bridge the information gap between global investors and Ukraine's blossoming AI and deep infrastructure sector.

We believe that Ukraine has immense untapped potential in the field of artificial intelligence and deep technology. That’s why we’re here - to highlight these promising opportunities and foster a thriving tech ecosystem in Ukraine.

Our platform provides unparalleled access to Venture Capital and Private Equity market data in Ukraine, giving you a comprehensive overview of the national ecosystem, highlighting the unique investment opportunities in local companies that are spearheading breakthroughs in DeepTech.

Institutional Co-founders

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AI Industry Analytics (AiiA) is an analytical agency that has created the world’s first, definitive analysis on the global AI ecosystem of companies, investors, and hubs. By combining the power of market analytics and investment data with advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, AiiA provides unparalleled insights and solutions in real time.

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Philanthropy.International is a next-generation platform built by Deep Knowledge Philanthropy, a subsidiary of Deep Knowledge Group, driven by the vision of deploying frontier technologies to efficiently maximize social impact and create social good. We have a core belief that technology is an effective tool to drive social change and impact, herein lies the core mandate of Philanthropy International


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